Probability Theory Resources

For students in probability theory courses, use these worksheets, videos, and other resources to prepare and refine your understanding of the material! Please note that these topics are designed for courses with a strong mathematical emphasis, and are often beyond the scope of a introductory statistics course that covers probability as a single unit within a larger course.

I will add to these resources periodically— if you have a request/idea for a topic you’d like to see covered, please contact me!


Many of these exercises and problems are based on my work with Stat 134 at UC Berkeley, along with its adjunct course, Stat 198, offered by the Student Learning Center. A huge thanks to Adam Lucas, Mike Leong, Yiming Shi, and Ani Adhikari, as well as all of the instructors, tutors, and students I’ve worked with over the years in this course which I will always hold dearly in my heart.