Please note: I am not currently accepting new students.

Seeking a deeper understanding in your math and stats courses? Striving to make meaning of complex math topics?

Wherever you’re at, I’m here to help. Together, we can find a path to mastery.

I’m Brian Thorsen, a math tutor and instructor specializing in teaching algebra through calculus, statistics, and the entire undergraduate level. I have 10+ years experience engaging students at all levels to build knowledge, learning strategies, and tools for holistic success.

Private Tutoring Online
and In-Person in the East Bay Area
(951) 251-5685

Learn math more effectively.

  • Approachable, encouraging, and rigorous lessons for students from all backgrounds, and at all levels

  • Math and statistics practice worksheets, videos, and other resources to build conceptual frameworks and assess your understanding

  • Research-driven and experience-finessed problem-solving and study strategies to boost your grades and confidence, prep for exams, and learn for the sake of learning!

Meet Brian

I graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in statistics and a concentration in mathematics education. At Cal, I was an award-winning teaching assistant for Probability Theory (Stat 134), and worked for years as a professional learning specialist in the Math/Stat Program at the Student Learning Center. I’ve taught hundreds of students, both online and in-person, across all levels— as a one-on-one tutor, group tutor, discussion leader, adjunct course instructor, and more.

Across my years teaching, across all courses and with all students, the greatest joy is working to understand and meet each student’s unique learning needs. There’s nothing like the “a-ha” moment when ideas start to click into place, and the student grasps what it means to master the material they are learning. My goal is to support students to create those moments for themselves. I’d love to do the same for you or your student. Please reach out to me to discuss how we can best support you in your learning journey!

— Brian Thorsen

Student Testimonials